Buddhism Dictionaries

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Displaying results 1 - 9 of 9.

Dictionary for Buddhist Studies

The electronic version of the "Dictionary for Buddhist Studies" 佛學大辭典 by Ding Fubao 丁福保. This dictionary uses data open for non commercial use from the Electronic Buddhadharma Society (EBS). http://www.baus-ebs.org/main.html More...
[ Glossary Builder: damma00, No. of Definitions: 31,586 ]
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Tđ Phật học Việt-Việt-Anh v3.0 small

[ Glossary Builder: ĐẶNG THANH LIÊM, No. of Definitions: 28,486 ]
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Encyclopedic Theosophical Glossary A dictionary of words and expressions relating to theosophy, philosophy and mystical terms . This electronic version of the Encyclopedic Theosophical Glossary is presented to the public as a work in progress. This glossary is represented by the Theosophical Society in Pasadena : www.theosociety.org/pasadena/etgloss/etg-hp.htm and the Theosophical Society in Israel www.theosophia.co.il More...
[ Glossary Builder: Rakefet, No. of Definitions: 5,734 ]
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Glossário de termos budistas dos sites Acesso ao Insight, Chungtao e DharmaNet. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Pema Sönam, No. of Definitions: 915 ]
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Small Yoga glossary (Sanskrit-English) More...
[ Glossary Builder: Miguel Portillo, No. of Definitions: 591 ]
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Dicionário de termos buddhistas do DharmaNet [www.dharmanet.com.br]. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Pema Sönam, No. of Definitions: 516 ]
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A Pali Buddhist Glossary

This is a glossary of Buddhist terms written in Pali, one of the ancient Indian languages used to record the Buddha's teachings. The terms are given phonetic transcriptions into the Western alphabet. This glossary was prepared by Fuengsin Trafford and friends to originally accompany 'Oneness,' an introductory text by Ven Ajahn Sanong Katapunnyo of Thailand. Hence, a few Thai words are included also. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Paul Trafford, No. of Definitions: 99 ]
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Buddhism Glossary

A hyper-linked glossary for Buddhism. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Paul V.M. Flesher, No. of Definitions: 91 ]
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Buddhist Glossary

From Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, a quarterly journal focusing on Buddhism in the West, a glossary with the key terms. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, No. of Definitions: 36 ]
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