Displaying results 1 - 9 of 9.
Diccionari d'anatomia
Diccionari Babylon anglès-català d'Anatomia / English-Catalan diccionary of Anatomy
[ Glossary Builder: Jaume Casas,
No. of Definitions: 4,022 ]
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Dental Terminology
[ Glossary Builder: Dt.TIPYARDIM B.,
No. of Definitions: 2,001 ]
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Anatomi Terimleri Sözlüğü
Latin ve Yunan kökenli Anatomi terimlerini Türkçe'ye çeviren bu sözlük henüz geliştirilme aşamasında olduğu için (A-G) harflerini içeriyor (~850 kelime). Bundan sonra daha sık güncellemeye çalışacağım. Düzeltme ve önerilerinizi lütfen e-mail ile bildiriniz.
[ Glossary Builder: Suat Erbaş,
No. of Definitions: 834 ]
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Muscle Pain
Medical terms relative to muscle pain
[ Glossary Builder: Eduardo Spaccasassi,
No. of Definitions: 501 ]
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Sindirim Sistemi Bozuklukları Sozlugu
Bu sozluk Sindirim Sistemi Hastaliklari hakkinda bilgi vermek amaciyla duzenlenmistir.
[ Glossary Builder: Muharrem Ozturk,
No. of Definitions: 487 ]
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Transplant glossary
this specific glossary is focused on the technical terminology related in particular to bowel and liver grafting. Glossario tecnico con termini specifici relativi al mondo del trapianto, con particolare riferimento alla terminologia relativa al fegato e all'intestino.
[ Glossary Builder: Giacomo Falconi,
No. of Definitions: 348 ]
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This Magic Lab contains normal values of all important tests of Blood,CSF,Urine. It works as follows:(A) You can ENTER in the Babylon the name of individual tests eg thyroxine,creatinine etc and get normal values. (B) You may also search the list of tests alphabetically from A to Z. just ENTER a letter eg" b" and the normal values of all the important tests begining with "b" appears.(C) You may also ENTER blood/csf/urine in the Babylon and get normal values of them.
[ Glossary Builder: Dr. Suhail Bukhari,
No. of Definitions: 177 ]
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English-Rohingya Dictionary (Body Parts)
English-Rohingya Dictionary for human Body Parts designed for Rohingya ethnic people of Arakan, Burma (Myanmar). (C) 2012 Rohingya Language Foundation, UK.
Website: www.RohingyaLanguage.com
www.RohingyaLanguageFoundation.com More...
Website: www.RohingyaLanguage.com
www.RohingyaLanguageFoundation.com More...
[ Glossary Builder: Eng. Mohammed Siddique Basu,
No. of Definitions: 116 ]
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Vision Glossary
Glossary of vision terms
[ Glossary Builder: National Eye Institute,
No. of Definitions: 49 ]
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