Displaying results 1 - 20 of 20.
.:Mas_NDon English Indonesian Dictionary
English translation to Indonesian with source from one word and from several word.
This dictionary as souvenir for my first daughter FILZA RAHMA MUFLIHAH which born on 29 January 2003 .
Thank you for my friend Dadang Budiana which have provided the source of dictionary. More...
This dictionary as souvenir for my first daughter FILZA RAHMA MUFLIHAH which born on 29 January 2003 .
Thank you for my friend Dadang Budiana which have provided the source of dictionary. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Mas Ndon,
No. of Definitions: 115,816 ]
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.:Mas_NDon Indonesian to English Dictionary
Indonesian translation to English with source from one word and from several word.
This dictionary as souvenir for my first daughter FILZA RAHMA MUFLIHAH which born on 29 January 2003 .
Thank you for my friend Dadang Budiana which have provided the source of dictionary. More...
This dictionary as souvenir for my first daughter FILZA RAHMA MUFLIHAH which born on 29 January 2003 .
Thank you for my friend Dadang Budiana which have provided the source of dictionary. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Mas NDon,
No. of Definitions: 63,289 ]
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Glosarium Pusat Bahasa Depdiknas Indonesia
Diambil dari http://pusatbahasa.depdiknas.go.id dan diolah oleh Hikmat Gumilar ([email protected]). http://hgumilar.translatorscafe.com
[ Glossary Builder: Hikmat Gumilar,
No. of Definitions: 39,794 ]
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Bahasa Indonesia-Nederlands Adaptasi
Dit woordenboek wordt verzorgd door Pieter Kuiper, Stedum, The Netherlands Kamus ini diusahakan oleh Pieter Kuiper, Stedum, The Netherlands [email protected] ************ http://www.pieterkuiper.com
[ Glossary Builder: Pieter Kuiper,
No. of Definitions: 28,650 ]
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Indonesisch-Nederlands woordenboek. Kamus bahasa Indonesia-bahasa Belanda
[ Glossary Builder: Paul E. de Haan,
No. of Definitions: 24,819 ]
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English-Indonesian Online Dictionaries
English Indonesian dictionary
[ Glossary Builder: Tom van der Meijden,
No. of Definitions: 23,413 ]
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Indonesian-English Online Dictionaries
Indonesian English dictionary
[ Glossary Builder: Tom van der Meijden,
No. of Definitions: 22,337 ]
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Nederlands-Bahasa Indonesia Adaptasi
Dit woordenboek wordt verzorgd door Pieter Kuiper, Stedum, The Netherlands [email protected] ************ http://www.pieterkuiper.com
[ Glossary Builder: Pieter Kuiper,
No. of Definitions: 21,121 ]
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Nederlands-Indonesisch woordenboek. Kamus bahasa Belanda-behasa Indonesia
[ Glossary Builder: Paul E. de Haan,
No. of Definitions: 20,545 ]
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Translate your indonesian into english language.Data by balifolder :: sorting by John :: Spirit by : Arya, Bayu, Cupi etc.::Regards : crue balifolder.com :: Website : http://www.balifolder.com
[ Glossary Builder: Mc Joe,
No. of Definitions: 19,858 ]
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English - Indonesian Dictionary
14823 words English - Indonesian Dictionary
[ Glossary Builder: Edward Budianto,
No. of Definitions: 14,823 ]
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Disionáriu Tetun-Portugés-Indonéziu (Dicionário Tétum-Português-Indonésio - Kamus Tetun-Portugis-Indonesia). Original por instituição Buka Hatene e Instituto Nacional de Linguística da Universidade Nacional de Timor Leste. Formatado para o Babylon Translator pelo jornalista e professor José Antonio Meira da Rocha [email protected]. http://meiradarocha.jor.br
[ Glossary Builder: Buka Hatene,
No. of Definitions: 7,267 ]
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[ English >> Indonesian ]
Common English to Indonesia. Small but Simple.
[ Glossary Builder: DR.Suhadi,
No. of Definitions: 6,616 ]
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Nederlands - Surinaams Trafasi
Woordenboek Nederlands - Surinaams ( Bakratongo - Sranantongo ) Dit woordenboek wordt verzorgd door: Pieter Kuiper, Stedum, The Netherlands [email protected] ************ http://www.pieterkuiper.com
[ Glossary Builder: Pieter Kuiper,
No. of Definitions: 4,645 ]
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Surinaams (Sranantongo) - Bahasa Indonesia
Kamus Surinaams ( Sranantongo - Bakratongo ) - Bahasa Indonesia Dit woordenboek wordt verzorgd door Pieter Kuiper, Stedum, The Netherlands Kamus ini diusahakan oleh Pieter Kuiper, Stedum, The Netherlands [email protected] ******* http://www.pieterkuiper.com
[ Glossary Builder: Pieter Kuiper,
No. of Definitions: 3,578 ]
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[ Glossary Builder: Michal Koltonik,
No. of Definitions: 3,081 ]
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JM Danish->Indonesian/Malaysian->Danish
Danish => Indonesian/Malaysian Dictionary
Indonesian/Malaysian => Danish Dictionary
* Indonesian words
** Malaysian words
Indonesian Grammar and Phrasebook:
© John Madsen More...
Indonesian/Malaysian => Danish Dictionary
* Indonesian words
** Malaysian words
Indonesian Grammar and Phrasebook:
© John Madsen More...
[ Glossary Builder: John Madsen,
No. of Definitions: 2,954 ]
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Indonesian Acronym in English
Taken from The Jakarta Post Site. by Hikmat Gumilar [email protected]
[ Glossary Builder: Hikmat Gumilar,
No. of Definitions: 586 ]
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Spices (Eng-Indon)
English-Indonesian glossary of spices and food.
[ Glossary Builder: Dul Katruk,
No. of Definitions: 83 ]
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Spices (Indon-Eng)
Indonesian-English glossary of spices and food.
[ Glossary Builder: Dul Katruk,
No. of Definitions: 77 ]
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