Displaying results 1 - 11 of 11.
English to Federation-Standard Golic Vulcan
English to Federation-Standard Golic Vulcan is based on the Vulcan Language Institute's et al. Golic Vulcan.This particular fan-created language is made up of the spoken Vulcan of film and television and in part other fan-created Vulcan languages which themselves were modeled after the spoken Vulcan of film and television to create a language with the largest lexicon of any Vulcan language to date.
[ Glossary Builder: Vorak,
No. of Definitions: 8,266 ]
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Middle-earth v2.2b
A little ;) glossary from/for J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth books, compiled by MueRTe. || Sources: "The Silmarillion" (Index of Names), "Unfinished Tales" & the "Encyclopedia of Arda" (http://www.glyphweb.com/arda) || e-mail your corrections, commentaries & suggestions [muerte at data54 dot com]
[ Glossary Builder: MueRTe,
No. of Definitions: 2,941 ]
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Federation-Standard Golic Vulcan to English
Federation-Standard Golic Vulcan to English is based on the Vulcan Language Institute's et al. Golic Vulcan.This particular fan-created language is made up of the spoken Vulcan of film and television and in part other fan-created Vulcan languages which themselves were modeled after the spoken Vulcan of film and television to create a language with the largest lexicon of any Vulcan language to date.
[ Glossary Builder: Vorak,
No. of Definitions: 2,354 ]
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Italiano - sindaril
Il presente dizionario rappresenta un tentativo di elencare le parole italiane di cui si conosce la traduzione in Sindarin parlato durante la Terza Era. Non ha la pretesa di essere completo, ne di essere del tutto corretto. Per compilare questo dizionario, ho impiegato diverse fonti, soprattutto molto materiale reperito in rete (che si basa sulle opere di Tolkien pubblicate in inglese e che da noi non sono state ancora tradotte, e forse mai lo saranno.
[ Glossary Builder: Mirba,
No. of Definitions: 1,890 ]
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Basirend auf der Elbensprache Sindarin von Grossmeister J.R.R Tolkien.
[ Glossary Builder: Noxon Luanes,
No. of Definitions: 1,870 ]
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Dizionario Tolkien
Contiene 1596 termini riguardanti il mondo e i personaggi creati da J.R.R. Tolkien
[ Glossary Builder: Carlo Bonarini,
No. of Definitions: 1,596 ]
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Dutch Star Wars Database
Database in word and picture of characters, droids, races, planets, locations, ships, vehicles technology and much more found in the Star Wars movies. De Nederlandse Start Wars database. Informatie over alle hoofdrolspelers en wezens, voertuigen en wapens.
[ Glossary Builder: Bas van Haarlem,
No. of Definitions: 862 ]
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The Harry Potter Glossary
A complete glossary for the Harry Potter series.
[ Glossary Builder: Omer Kabir & Nadav Slotky,
No. of Definitions: 692 ]
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Harry Potter Books
This is a dictionary of all harry potter books' words and idioms that you can find the meaning of them easily and fast here.
[ Glossary Builder: Payam Riahi,
No. of Definitions: 497 ]
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Dicionário Quenya-Português (Brasil) v.1.0
Dicionário de Alto-élfico, língua criada por J. R. R. Tolkien, autor de O Senhor dos Anéis.
[ Glossary Builder: Rafael e Adriano Farinaccio,
No. of Definitions: 480 ]
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Dune Glossary
Terminology of the Imperium, from Frank Herbert's "Dune"
[ Glossary Builder: Rebecca Madison,
No. of Definitions: 298 ]
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