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Displaying results 1 - 5 of 5.

Company Info: Ticker, Name, Description

Company info showing stock ticker, company name and description for stocks at AMEX, Nasdaq, NYSE and OTCBB. More...
[ Glossary Builder: William Wong, No. of Definitions: 12,831 ]
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BASSAM Trade, Real Estate, Mortgage, Fund,Invest, Insurance,& Tax,Terms/abbreviations/defin.

Most of us wants to update his knowledge regarding global trading terms and abbreviations, legal Real Estate definitions, Mortgage, Funding, Investment, Insurance, or even Taxation.This will keeps you in right track. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Bassam Q. Hussein, No. of Definitions: 1,282 ]
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KS Lexique boursier et financier

Lexique des termes boursiers et financiers destinés à tous ceux qui souhaitent se familiariser avec les termes les plus utilisés en bourse. More...
[ Glossary Builder: S KHIEV, No. of Definitions: 1,069 ]
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Een verklaring van een groot aantal begrippen als gebruikt in het Nederlandse beursverkeer en dan meer in het bijzonder op de Amsterdam Exchanges. © juni 2000, Amsterdam Exchanges, -- aanpassingen/correcties, conversie naar Babylon formaat: maart 2001 More...
[ Glossary Builder: Mees H. van Wijngaarden, No. of Definitions: 414 ]
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Glosario en Español para Inversionistas

EL presente Glosario contiene terminos referidos a Inversión en Mercados de Valores, Acciones, Bonos, Valores y afines, que realiza via Internet. Es por ello, que pone a disposición de Ud. la más amplia información sobre conceptos financieros básicos y herramientas, que todo inversionista necesita conocer. Visite nuestro Web-site para mayor información. More...
[ Glossary Builder:, No. of Definitions: 179 ]
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