Arts & Humanities Dictionaries

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Guitar Glossary

Understanding many of the hundreds of terms used in a recording studio by producers, engineers, composers, and musicians can be an overwhelming task. This glossary helps eliminate the confusion and defines commonly used buzzwords and jargon, both subjective and straight-forward. Using the glossary will not make you an expert overnight, but it will help keep you in the know and keep you abreast of all the specialized terminology. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Dan McAvinchey, Guitar Nine Records, No. of Definitions: 547 ]
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Héraldique Européenne Lexique

Petit dictionnaire comportant un lexique spécifique aux blasons ou emblèmes. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Arnaud Bunel, No. of Definitions: 299 ]
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Artgloss é um glossário de termos de arte, permanentemente em construção, da responsabilidade do Serviço de Internet do Instituto Superior Politécnico de Viseu. Fruto da íntima colaboração de cibernautas de diversos países, a criação deste glossário insere-se numa política que pretende oferecer conteúdos gratuitos a todos aqueles que acedem à Internet. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Instituto Superior Politécnico de Viseu, No. of Definitions: 203 ]
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